Here’s the story of the

2015 Boston Interns

Yeah, we’re a fun bunch (well, we think so)

annette lee

Boston University | Creative

I was born in Hawaii on the island Oahu. I am currently studying Advertising. I really like meeting new people and got an eye for anything artsy or pretty. I can’t go a day without music. I danced hula and oil painted my entire hs career. I bleed ENTJ. I can't stop smiling when I cross off the last thing on my “to-do” list. I can't stop crying when I run out of eyeliner. I’m fluent in Korean. I have a pet fish named Draco. Jack Johnson is bae.

“Dolce Far Niente”
(sweetness of doing nothing)

kelley wilcox

Bentley University| Finance

Currently 21 years young, I am a rising senior with hopes of pursuing a finance career after graduation. I’m short but spunky and I have big hair that matches my big personality. I love to sing and dance, although talented at neither. I love reading, everything from Harry Potter to inspirational quotes on Pinterest. I eat ice cream almost every day. When I find a new shop I always order a flavor I’ve never had. I can balance a checkbook and I can lick my elbow- both of which have become increasingly useful the older I become.

“I live to love and
laugh a lot.”

Ngina shillingford

Wesleyan University  | Account Management

I have a strong passion for 90s era R&B and Hip-Hop music which prompted me to start writing my own rhymes about 4 years ago. My family’s from the beautiful island of Dominica. Some of my hobbies include participating in Caribbean Carnivals also known as ‘playing mas,’ trying to decipher what British Grime artists are saying in their songs, and having intellectual conversations about Rihanna. My two fav films are Love Jones and Mo Better Blues.

“You cannot judge people because they sin differently than you.”  
Erykah Badu

Cory warren

St. Michael’s College | Creative

I am an English major who writes, reads, is distracted by art and music (on a good day), and generally pays attention to things and people. I just moved back from a short stint in the UK. I live on Cape Cod with my family. The beach is great; the commute isn’t.

“This could be the day that we push through! This could be the day that all our dreams come true!”
Tame Impala,
“Apocalypse Dreams”

ASHLEY dougherty 

Tufts University | Account Management

I’m at Tufts University majoring in Psychology and minoring in Education. I’m from Rhode Island so I love the ocean and the beach. I will definitely be going back and forth between Boston and Rhode Island a lot this summer.  I have two younger siblings, a brother who is a freshman at Brown and a sister who will be a junior in high school. I also have a dog named Ripley who is super old and going deaf. In my free time I like to read, craft, play tennis, watch Friday Night Lights, and spend time with family and friends.

“This is awkward. Not that you’re awkward. But just because we’re- I’m… awkward. You’re gorgeous. Wait, what?”

John tringl

Boston College | Account Management

I’m originally from Chicago, but loving my first summer away from home here in Boston. Currently an English major minoring in International Studies and Management. I recently studied abroad in beautiful Thessaloniki, Greece so I am readjusting to 21st Century luxuries and a stable economy. I have a cat named Harry who is named for the lightning bolt scar on his forehead, displaying my love for all things Harry Potter. Account Management on Flag!

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon

hannah pullen-blasnik

 Brown University| S&A

I grew up in Boston (Roslindale, anyone?) and am currently a senior at Brown University studying social analysis and research. Outside of class, I write narrative fiction, drink tea, research environmental sustainability, attempt yoga, and devote my soul to Brown’s student film production company. Recently, I discovered that I love to travel -- this past semester I studied abroad in Barcelona and visited 3 continents, 9 countries, and 26 cities!

“You can’t use up creativity.  The more you use, the
more you have.”
Maya Angelou



I love the arts and wish I had more time to learn and be involved with them! My biggest passion is music, and I’ve been hooked on ambient, dream-pop, and Yung Lean lately. I also enjoy Russian novels, gloomy films, and hanging out at Boston’s MFA. Originally from NJ, I dream of moving to the UK so I can go for a pint of lager at the local pub each afternoon and watch the premier league.

“August 2, 1914: Germany has declared war on Russia. Went swimming in
the afternoon.”
Franz Kafka

jen gewant

Tufts University | S&A

Hello! My name is Jen and I’m an Economics major and Communications minor at Tufts. On campus I’m the co-founder of the Tufts branch of the world’s largest nonprofit student consultancy, I’m on the cycling team, and I’m a Spinning instructor. This upcoming semester I’m teaching a course called “The Evolution of Advertising in America.” Outside of Tufts, I run a small social media marketing startup and I’m addicted to yoga!

“A day without laughter
is a day wasted.”

Got that

Brandon broadus

Indiana University | Media

Hola!  My name is Brandon Broadus, and I am a rising senior at Indiana University studying Sport Marketing & Management.  When I’m not in the library cramming for a test, you can find me in the dance studio instructing my fellow peers how to dance.  My other hobbies include playing the guitar and watching unhealthy amounts of Netflix (Lost is the best show ever, not up for debate).  You can find me on the 16th floor working with the paid social team for Flag.

“I never [bleeped] Wayne,
I never [bleeped] Drake”  
Nicki Minaj

Kate holm

Skidmore College | Creative

Hi! I'm Kate Holm. I was born and raised with my twin brother, just outside of Boston, but I currently attend school in upstate NY at Skidmore College. It’s great to be back in the city again for the summer and I love the chance to explore new (and old) places! In my free time I love cooking, hiking, canoeing and walking with my black Labrador Xena. I’m an artist  and I love visiting both museums and small art shows, of all kinds. During my recent study-abroad experience in Rome, I brought home a variety of local street art with me!

“The only thing that one really knows about human nature is that it changes. Change is the one quality we can predicate”
Oscar Wilde


Boston College | Account Management

I come from the land of Steelers fans and ketchup, where I left my twin sister and our weekly viewings of The Parent Trap/any film Mary-Kate and Ashley (our “twinspiration”). I spent the first weeks of summer working at a health clinic in rural Nicaragua, where the abundance of coffee transformed my obsession into an addiction. If you can’t find me, I’m getting lost in a bookshop, on a long run, reading Architectural Digest, trying new recipes from my favorite food blogs, or watching Brady Bunch reruns.

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely."
Roald Dahl, The Twits

amy szatkowski

MassArt | Experience Design

Hi, I'm Amy and I built this website!  I grew up on Mission Hill with my 3 brothers and 4 sisters—a big family which is crazy but great cause we get to have birthday parties like every other weekend. I am studying graphic design at MassArt but also love to work on a potter’s wheel, sketch and paint. Some of my favorite things include throwing rocks into Jamaica Pond with my lil’ twin nephews,  watching football on Sunday afternoons (I believe you, Tom), picking wild blueberries in Maine, live music and making goofy blackout poems on old newspapers. 



“Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings
take dream." 
George W. Bush

gautam kapur

Tufts University | S&A

Being a fish out of water isn’t something I know much about. Having moved around as a kid (Australia, Singapore, India), I enjoy mixing the foreign with the familiar. If you ever want a good conversation about basketball, hit me up. I enjoy yoga and listening to garage/house (my parents call it “elevator” music). You could describe me as an Xbox Olympian or a “sneakerhead.” I’m an avid traveler, having been to 34 countries across 5 continents (and have eaten McDonald’s McNuggets in most of them. Shockingly, they taste the same around the world).

“I was never really good
at anything except for the
ability to learn.”
Kanye West

paige federman

University of Connecticut | Account Management

When I’m not on the 14th floor you can usually find me at home in Marblehead, MA. I spent last semester living in Florence, Italy, and since my return I’ve been on a mission to find the very best Italian food close to home… Suggestions are welcome.

"Better days are coming, they are called: Saturday
and Sunday.”

 molly markell

 University of Pennsylvania | Media

Hi I'm Molly! I like bad puns, Mexican food, and lists of three. I also like mountains, sheep, and kiwis, so I'm moving to New Zealand in October! In my free time, you'll probably find me reading, working out, or playing quidditch or ultimate Frisbee. I think the miniature animal business has a lot of potential, and I'm curious as to why it hasn't really been explored, yet. How cool would it be if you had a tiny elephant living in your apartment!

“We have two ears and one mouth for a reason.”

emma dagres

Vanderbilt University | Social Content

Some say I’m a Plain Jane b/c I don’t like cheese or condiments on my sandwiches & my middle name happens to be Jane. I do everything really fast… walking, eating, showering… b/c I like to move on to the next activity. I play lacrosse & have 30 teammates who are also best friends. I’m stuck between an older brother & a younger sister & between Type A and Type B. I’m a bagel lover, an introverted extrovert, a sports fanatic & a proud half Jew.

"Love the life you live,
live the life you love.”
Bob Marley


Emerson College | Content Production

My name is Hantzley Audate. I’m 21 years old and I’m from Everett, Massachusetts. I have two older brothers, both working in education, and I am a first generation Haitian-American. My parents came from Haiti in the 80s and settled in Boston in the 90s. I currently attend Emerson College and major in Marketing Communications w/ a Minor in Journalism. Social activism, culture, and tech are my favorite subjects. I just want to make an impact!

" 'If you ain't got no sauce, then you're lost. But you can also get lost in the sauce.”  Gucci Mane


University of Vermont | Integrated Production

I enjoy spending time outside either skiing, hiking, or playing Frisbee. If I’m spending time inside I’m probably watching TV (Ray Donavon recently) or reading (just finished Blink). I sit on 15w so stop by if you want to talk about cars, IPAs, or how a five ounce bird could not carry a 1 pound coconut.

“You can't let one bad moment spoil a bunch
of good ones.”
Dale Earnhardt


 Emerson College | Integrated Production

I am an outgoing, fun loving college student working on obtaining a degree in marketing communications. I lived in Milan, Italy for four months last semester and can speak a bit of Italian! I love TV, music, and dancing. So if you ever find yourself on 15 west I will be one of the few interns sitting in the hallway. Please feel free to stop by, I am always looking to chat.

“Wanting to be someone
else is a waste of the
person you are.”
Kurt Cobain

Mikayla Bogart

University of Wisconsin | Account Management

Hi! Here’s a little bit about my interests: I work at Pure Barre, I love playing sports, especially soccer and tennis. I am obsessed with outdoor markets that sell food, jewelry and crafts. I am a big foodie and love trying new restaurants. I love to travel and recently came back from Australia where I also traveled to Fiji, New Zealand, Bali, Thailand and Singapore and channeled my inner dare devil to do every adventurous activity I could do!

“If we are not meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?”

Reed holtzman

Emerson College  | Content Production 

Salutations errrrrybody! My name is Reed Holtzman and I am originally from the Poconos, Pennsylvania. I like long walks on the beach and chocolate chips in my pancakes. I'm not a big fan of babies and eggplants, but who is right? In my time off, I like to shred some type of board, quote films, and throw the ball around. I've also been known to take the path less traveled #stillhaveablackberry #donthaveaninstagram #sleepsittingup.

“I'm cool with failing so long
as I know that there are
people around me that
love me unconditionally.” 
Dave Chappelle

Katie timura

Suffolk University |  Integrated Production

Ironically, my mom named me Katie Mae so I wouldn’t have a nickname growing up but now I’m frequently called Katherine or Kate. So feel free to call me any of the above! Catch me near the beach or any stocked kitchen. I  like to recharge my batteries with sand and sun or making delicious chicken cutlets while playing Michael Buble. If I could learn how to cook one thing it would be: SUSHI! I’m a recent addict. If you ever stop by my office (on 14) you’ll see lots of fruit and uncompleted games of hangman – I’ll play a game or 2 with you!

Bliss is the sand between
my toes and the sunburn
on my nose”

Alex stoller

University of Maryland | Social Content

My parents wanted a boy. They got me and named me Alex. Not Alexandra. Lucky for them (not really for me), I get mistaken for a guy (mostly over email, not so much in person - thankfully). But hey, I get a lot of it being a journalism major and interviewing new people all the time. I'm a Type A people-person from Sharon, MA who loves anything outdoorsy. I may have a slight obsession with HGTV (I do). I'm a family girl and cooking is my thing. So is grammar. Give me a recipe, and I'll try it. Give me a draft, and I'll ensure your commas are placed properly (in a loving way, of course).

For what it's worth: It's never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you're proud of, and if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start over again. -F. Scott Fitzgerald

yukiha maruyama

Emerson College  | Creative

Hello! I’m a home-cooking aficionado with a penchant for spicy & savory foods – kudos to my Singaporean & Japanese upbringing. I have a blast dancing to some tunes while cooking up a storm for my family & friends. After all, one should always cook with a joyful or serene heart, lest any stress sour the meal! J N.B. I’m a Diet Coke addict. I think it doesn't quite jive with my love for cooking from scratch, but c’est la vie.

“Always look on the bright side of life!”

Madeleine mcmichael

Tyler School of Art, Temple University | Creative

I grew up in Hingham, a suburb south of Boston. As a kid I loved drawing and painting. I’m 21 now and my love of art and design has only grown. I am having a great time working as an art director intern and I’m looking forward to what the next seven weeks have in store!

“It's a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.”
Lucille Ball

kate binder 

Bucknell University | S&A

Hi! I’m Kate (just Kate, not Katherine). My two best friends are both named Katherine. I have an unhealthy obsession with purple, pineapple, prosecco, and re-watching Grey’s Anatomy. I love paddleboarding at my house in Maine. My phone is currently held together with scotch tape because my two older brothers use all of our upgrades. I just got back from Copenhagen and think everyone needs a little hygge in their life.

“Live a Happy Life”
–the Alex&Ani on my wrist

thomas han

Emory University| Account Management

I’m originally from Los Angeles, and currently study film and marketing at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. I’ve lived in a few different cities over the past couple years including Paris, Cleveland, and New York City. I like to spend my free time backpacking, taking pictures, and going to concerts.

“Things we buy to cover
up what's inside.”
Kanye West


Boston College | Media

I’m Alana and I’m from Sudbury, Massachusetts. I was born on Christmas day, 21 years ago. I have absolutely no hand-eye coordination, so I’ve come to hate the words “think fast”. At school, I’m the director of a student-run dance company called the Dance Organization of Boston College and teach free classes weekly. Outside of dance I love to cook, DIY craft and do Pilates. I am so excited to be at Digitas!

“It’s like I have ESPN
or something.”
Karen Smith, Mean Girls

valencia lewis

University of Pennsylvania | integrated Production

As an adventurer she has devoted months to traveling and backpacking through Europe, and Asia. When she isn't watching Game of Thrones with Strawberry Haagen daas icecream she's writing, designing, visiting poetry cafes, and watching movies. Sometimes you can catch her doodling designs based off of India Mehndi, and Samoan Tribal patterns. She's a bundle of surprises, and would love the chance to get to know you better and go out for food!

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.”
Alexandre Dumas,
Count of Monte Cristo

lily goode

Boston College | Media

I grew up in Hingham, MA with an older sister and a younger brother. I attended Hingham High School, and I am a rising senior at Boston College. (Go Eagles!) This past spring, I studied abroad in Florence, Italy, and I was lucky enough to travel to 9 other countries, as well. My favorite trips were to the Amalfi Coast, Greece, Morocco, and Barcelona.

“Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose.”